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Request a quote

Thank you for contacting Continental Testing for your calibration needs

To request a quote please fill in the contact and tool information on this form. Tool information can be listed individually or by uploading a list using the second option below.

In most cases, we will respond to your quote request within one business day. However, if you are requesting a quote for a tool list with multiple items the response may take longer.

All Continental Testing calibrations are traceable to the international system of units (SI) through NIST or other recognized national metrology institute and include a calibration certificate with “as found” and “as left” data.

Find out what Continental Testing can do for you. Call us today, or fill out the form below. A service representative will be happy to assist you.

  • Type/DescriptionManufacturerModel #Serial #Other 
    To obtain the most accurate quotation, please fill in the form completely and accurately. If you are interested in our onsite calibration services, please include this in the notes section. Add more tools by clicking the + sign.
  • Max. file size: 300 MB.
    For each tool please provide the type/description, manufacturer, manufacturer's model number and serial number.


Continental Testing
104 S. Main Street
Union, Ohio 45322-3358

PH: 1.800.648.5091
FAX: 937.832.3892

Continental Testing Denver Office
975 Platte River Blvd., Unit M
Brighton, CO 80601-4349

PH: 720.841.4557